Kili Technology Changelog: February 1st, 2023
We're happy to introduce the changelog of our latest release! Discover what has been launched, updated or fixed on Kili technology these past two weeks.
[Python SDK] It is now possible to export video projects with the kili.export_labels()
method. This means that all Kili project types can now be exported through Kili SDK.
[Labeling] For object-detection annotations with several classes and nested transcription jobs, changing the annotation class used to remove the contents of the nested transcriptions. We’ve changed this: when you change the class using the annotation context menu, the contents of the nested transcriptions will get transferred to the new class. Several limitations apply, though:
Instructions for nested jobs have to be the same between both classes
The types of nested jobs (including limits imposed on acceptable values, like data-only, or number-only entries) have to be the same between both classes
[Labeling] You can upload and use TIFF images with specific color palette bands.
[Labeling] In the UI, we’ve improved the look&feel of the Submit and Review buttons.
[Labeling] In the UI, we’ve re-aligned various cursor types with specific interactions, for increased clarity.
[Labeling] In the UI, we’ve improved the asset loading performance: getting the next asset to label from the queue page should be much quicker now.
[Plugins] You can now import multiple files to be used as a plugin (previously, the limit was one file). For more information on Kili plugins, refer to [link to docs].
[Organization management] In the Members page, the show suspended users
option is now unchecked by default. Thanks to this, you’ll have a clearer picture of your organization.
[Labeling] Sometimes, when a Kili user would quickly switch from one asset to another one, or from one project to another one, annotations from the previous asset would still be displayed. We’ve fixed this issue.
[Labeling] The annotation counter used to increase every time a shape was drawn for the same annotation. We’ve fixed this issue.
[Labeling] It used to be impossible to upload non-GeoTIFF images larger than 30 Mb. We’ve fixed this issue.
[Labeling] Changing the annotation class directly from a pop-up menu in the asset tab did not always work properly: sometimes class icons would show as greyed-out. We’ve fixed this issue.
To deep dive into the new changes, go read our documentation.